Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spending time with your kids

           When your kids are little all you need to do is spend time with them. Stop what you are doing and read a book, play a game, or just find something your kid wants to do. Pay attention to them. I know people who say they have no idea what to do with their kids that will not cost a whole lot. Go to the park. Got for a walk.

            Doing the summer my kids and I go for a walk around 8 o'clock. Then we get ready for bed and set and watch cartoons until bed time. My kids are getting older now so walking is turning into riding a bike. Better harry and find something to do before they start claiming the tree next door.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Playing with an infent

           Ok I'm going to need help with this one moms. Ok playing with an infant. They will look at you like "Ya your nuts." While I was in the hospital after having my little girl. I learned you are expose to tell your baby everything your doing to them. "I'm putting your shirt over your head. I'm putting your right arm in to the right arm of your shirt." I'm not joking. Let me tell you. You feel really dumb. But if it helps the growth of your baby give it a try. My sister is so mad at me. She has a three month old. I got him to giggle while she was at work. Then when she got home he wouldn't do it. He did do it the next day with her write there. All I did was pinch his cheeks together lightly and made a funny sound. He just let out a small giggle.

         Ok list the way your got your little one to giggle.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Want to protect your kids

             All parents want to protect their children. Are you tired of taking them to the park and losing site of them? Do they hide from you in a public place.

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            Don't lose your kid again. As a mother I do not want anything bad to happen to my kids or any kid. These are small and can go in your kids back pack, purse, and anywhere else you think would be a good place to put it.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Testing and picking your battles

When a child test your patience. You have to stand your ground. Pick your battles and when you do. You better win. If you don't. Well, your kids are going to run over you. I know. I know. Easier said then done. For it was easier to set down and write a list of different things I was not willing let them get away with and how to handle it.

My mother-in-laws mother has told me taking away her sons sport would make him even less willing to study harder. I understand that. If the child gets an F on his report card. Try teaching him a different way. Maybe he just can't learn it the way the school is teaching him. I made up games for my son. My sons friend would come over and I'll start asking, "Who am I?" games and throw out facts. My son can learn better that way.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Pick up games

Yes you can teach your baby how to pick up and it's a great game to play with your baby. I started playing the pick up game with my little girl when she was almost a year old. I know so young rite. Well, it's not that hard. At that age you just look for ways to interact with your baby. Some people think it's easier and faster to pick up themselves.

Dinner was to be ready in 20 minutes. I sat on the floor beside her and put her bucket close to her. I said, "Pick up time, Sara bear." Sara looked at me like what. I said, "Pick up this one." She just looked at me. I took her hand and placed it on the block. She grabbed it and looked at me. I pointed to the bucket and moved her hand over the bucket. "Let it go." I told her. She dropped it in and we clapped and said, "Yeah." I helped her by moving her hand to where I wanted it to go. We did that the whole time. The next time we did that was the same day. It was bed time and I did the same thing. But this time I didn't take her hand. I just pointed at the block and she picked it up and put it in the bucket. She loved the game. A couple weeks later. She would dump out the blocks and pick them up and put them back in her bucket. She would clap and say, "Yeah."

If you haven't started and now their four or five years old. You can still teach them to pick up their rooms. You just have to change the way you are doing it. When their rooms are a big mess they cry and ask a million questions and have to go to the bathroom or their hungry. Anything and everything to get out of cleaning. We lived with my mother-in-law for awhile and one day she was trying to get my son to clean his room. He gave her a hard time over it. I told her I had a new way of doing it. He got so excited thinking I was going to do it for him. I told, "No. You are going to clean your room by yourself." He gave me a dirty look. I just smalled and asked my mother-in-law for an empty laundry basket. I gave it to him and told him to go and put all his dirty close in it and I was going to time him. After he came back with it. I told him to go and put all his books back on the shelf. After that I told him to go and put all his toys back in his toy box. He comes running in there saying, "Mom I'm almost done with my room." He didn't need me to say anything else.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Learning to talk to your toddler

Learning to talk to your toddler

           When my little girl was a toddler no one know what she wanted. I was the main person to take care of her. I know her sounds and movements. My husband and our family never know what she wanted. I saw friends of mine talking to their toddlers. One of my old friends was a punk rocker type. To look at him you would never guess he would be willing to learn and teach his son to sign. He know if his son wanted more or if he wanted milk. He also taught his child manners.

           As a mother of two the next time I have a baby I am going to get this book. Some people call people who sign freaks. But signing is a languish. Sign languish is another way to talk to people who can't hear and will open you up to understanding them better.

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