Friday, March 12, 2010

Learning to talk to your toddler

Learning to talk to your toddler

           When my little girl was a toddler no one know what she wanted. I was the main person to take care of her. I know her sounds and movements. My husband and our family never know what she wanted. I saw friends of mine talking to their toddlers. One of my old friends was a punk rocker type. To look at him you would never guess he would be willing to learn and teach his son to sign. He know if his son wanted more or if he wanted milk. He also taught his child manners.

           As a mother of two the next time I have a baby I am going to get this book. Some people call people who sign freaks. But signing is a languish. Sign languish is another way to talk to people who can't hear and will open you up to understanding them better.

Click Here!

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